Monday, October 17, 2011

Where do my ideas come from?

People ask me where I get the ideas for my characters. I guess it would be fair to say that they resemble someone I have met or someone that impressed me in some way. Over the years, I’ve found I’m a people watcher and truly get a kick out of seeing what people will do next. I’m always surprised by their reactions to simple things and I believe I incorporate those ideas into my characters.

For instance, coming from the Northeast, I have a good grasp on how most people in New England react to things like traffic jams, tourists, severe weather, entertainment opportunities, etc. I was fascinated to see the differences in interaction now that I live in the west. It’s amazing how differently people see things depending upon when and where they were raised.
My mother has influenced my writing quite a bit because the way it was and the way it is are so different. My children have influenced my writing as well. As adoptive parents, my husband and I soon learned that children from different parts think differently about things and prioritize differently as well. I believe my characters, who I try hard to be “well rounded” and multifaceted, have a little bit of influence from what I draw from those I interact with on regular basis as well as those strangers who stand out in my mind. The best part is that I can take certain traits from one and mix it with traits from someone else. It’s not only a powerful feeling, but the mixture makes me maintain a constant question as I write – “Would this character really do or say that?”

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